When Time tells you, “Tomorrow.”

There is inevitably a time for each man when his world spins so quick it appears to stand still; when voices of his peers become white noise; and when hurt becomes romaticised with the lack of renewed passion. These are the days when sky seals shut, and the days no less the nights are sanctioned for tears. These are the days when shadows don’t form along the walls, for the light at the end of the corridor is meek and small. These are the mornings when wake comes just before the dawn drowns the shock from the sudden sobriety that the very thing one adores has become his affliction. When the answer for sanity is to put aside desire, embrace reality and wait on time.

Someone once told me, “You just need to find a distraction.” A distraction while I wait on time to deliver fate. I don’t know that this is the answer though. To identify the beloved in one’s life provides a luxury few seem to understand until it’s taken.

Whether this be wealth, a secure job, a beloved friend or partner sometimes these things are withdrawn from our enjoyment until we learn the full meaning. I can’t help but wonder what comes of the man who loses himself in his distraction because he cannot face his choices.

I’ve pondered these topics relentlessly. What happens to the man who is enchanted with the antithesis of his desire? Does he sacrifice joy for the sake of pursuing a pleasure? When the worlds we’ve created with the roles we’ve scripted fold, what is the weight that breaks the burden to be humble? To renounce the dreams we’ve written for the destiny we have?

Even with these rhetorical obstacles, I know the wait on time will be worth whatever comes, and sometimes, it just tells us, “Tomorrow.” And we accept it.

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